Help! What Do I Say?

Date: Thursday, May 17, 2012
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Portland Country Club
Speaker: Amy Florian

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As baby boomers age, service professionals will deal with an ever-increasing number of deaths among their clients. Yet many professionals avoid services for a client’s family member because they are so uncomfortable.  What does a professional say and do at a wake, shiva, or post-death gathering?  What do you write in a condolence card, what kind of card is most comforting to send, and when do you send it?  Which five commonly-used phrases should you avoid, and what do you say instead? When you have an appointment several months after the death, do you still mention the name or is that opening old wounds? What is the best way to follow up in the year after a death? This workshop gives knowledge that erases the discomfort and allows professionals to confidently talk with and support their clients following a death or loss.

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